CIT II is only for girls who have completed CIT I. Complete your CIT Training in your second year and enjoy working with a camp unit of girls, developing camp programs, and receiving your camp name at graduation! This program lasts all four weeks of camp with a go-home break at 2pm on Friday, June 20th until Sunday, June 22nd at 2pm.
Participants will have the opportunity to visit the camp Trading
Post during their stay. Deposit Trading Post Funds now - CLICK
HERE! You can also indicate that you would like to use Passport
Bucks for Trading Post on this form. *Trading Post Funds must be
deposited prior to camp and will not be accepted at check-in.
Passport Bucks can be applied to Camp Registration fees but not for the $50 deposit.
Financial Aid may be available. Financial Aid Applications can be found on the GSHS Summer Camp Page and Financial Aid application deadline is May 1st.