2025 Summer Camp Read, Relax, Rejuvenate
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Date: Sun Jun 29, 2:00 PM CST - Fri Jul 04, 10:30 AM CST
  • Outdoor
  • Cadettes,
  • Juniors

Take a break and spend a week reading, relaxing, and rejuvenating. Lay in a hammock, read a book, relax by the pool, make some lipgloss, and of course enjoy all of the fun activities camp has to offer. This unit will also have a book swap so make sure you bring a book you are okay with giving away but also think someone else will enjoy reading. Books must be age/camp appropriate and will be checked by counselors before swapped.


Participants will have the opportunity to visit the camp Trading Post during their stay. Deposit Trading Post Funds now - CLICK HERE!  You can also indicate that you would like to use Passport Bucks for Trading Post on this form. *Trading Post Funds must be deposited prior to camp and will not be accepted at check-in.


Passport Bucks can be applied to Camp Registration fees but not for the $50 deposit.


Financial Aid may be available.  Financial Aid Applications can be found on the GSHS Summer Camp Page and Financial Aid application deadline is May 1st.