It all starts here. Juniors team up with fellow Girl Scouts to explore their community, discover a need or issue they care about, and work together to address it. It’s a chance to create a plan and make an impact on the community they live in.
Are in fourth or fifth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Junior
Have completed a Junior Journey
Recognition Request Form - Adult submission only - to be completed by the Troop Leader or Adult Caregiver. This form also authorizes you to purchase the Bronze Award Pin and Patch from our shops.
Download the training to help you prepare to earn your Girl Scout Bronze Award. Get ready to Go for Bronze!
DOWNLOAD NOWWhen you support Girl Scouts earning their Bronze Awards, you’ll help them see their own power and be by their side as they make a lasting change in their community. Download this guide in English or Español to get started today.
If your girls have earned their Bronze Award, submit a Recognition Request Form in order to report that they have earned the award. This form also authorizes you to purchase their Pin and Patch from our shops.