Learning to think like an entrepreneur? Developing business smarts? Getting to know customers and building lasting relationships? There’s so much more to that package of Thin Mints®.
Whether they participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program or the Girl Scout Fall Product Program (or both!), everything they learn prepares them to take on the world. Plus, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds stay in your local community to power amazing year-round experiences that broaden their worlds and spark their sense of wonder.
Girl Scouts as young as five develop five essential skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program that will help them be successful today and throughout their lives:
But building their business know-how isn’t just tied to the cookies themselves! Girl Scouts at any level can continue honing their entrepreneurial skills by earning the Cookie Business badges, Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin, and the Financial Literacy badges year over year.
Before your entrepreneur opens shop, be sure to check out these helpful troop leader resources that will empower you to:
What started with Girl Scouts selling home-baked cookies to raise money grew into enlisting professional bakers in 1936 to handle the growing demand—and the rest is history. Explore Girl Scout Cookie History to find out how cookies have helped build generations of female entrepreneurs and leaders who make the world a better place.
After paying for the cost of cookies and materials, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds stay local and help councils provide Girl Scout programs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), the outdoors, life skills, entrepreneurship, and more—in camps, through leadership training, and multiple other ways. A portion of the proceeds is directly managed by Girl Scouts, and it’s up to them to decide how to invest their troop’s share of the earnings.
Here's a breakdown of how cookie program proceeds support Girl Scout activities locally. Please share this information with Girl Scouts and their families so everyone understands that product programs support the local council.
Troop members share in the proceeds from successful product programs; proceeds are not distributed to individual members. Girl Scouts, however, may be eligible for rewards and credits that they put toward council-sponsored camps, programs, and store related credits, or travel experiences. The council plan for rewards applies equally to all participants in the product program activity.
The Girl Scouts Blue Book of Basic Documents specifies that:
“All money and other assets, including property, that are raised, earned, or otherwise received in the name of and for the benefit of Girl Scouting must be held and authorized by a Girl Scout council or Girl Scouts of the USA. Such money and other assets must be used for the purposes of Girl Scouting.”
— “Ownership of Assets,” Girl Scouts Blue Book of Basic Documents
Making s’mores under the stars, creating a lasting impact in your community, or ordering supplies for an eye-opening STEM project—there are limitless ways to put troop proceeds toward dynamic Girl Scout experiences! There are a few things, however, that don’t qualify for “purposes of Girl Scouting,” for instance, using troop proceeds to purchase memberships in or uniforms for another organization. We encourage all councils to remind their volunteers of this policy in order to avoid diversion of Girl Scout funds.
When you are set up for success, you are better able to set up your girls for success! That’s why every year, your council provides trainings, guidelines, and procedures for conducting the Girl Scout Cookie Program and fall product program and determines how the proceeds and product rewards system will be managed. Check the volunteer cookie resources page -OR- the volunteer fall product resources page to find the answers you need as well as local trainings and resources.
Each council also selects the vendors of its choice to provide the products for their product programs. Two commercial bakers are licensed by Girl Scouts of the USA to produce Girl Scout Cookies: Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers. You can also Meet the Cookies and find additional info on cookie varieties, including nutritional details.
Councils also work with vendors to offer magazine subscriptions, nut and candy products, and more for the fall product program. These companies are Ashdon Farms, Trophy Nut, and M2 Media Group. M2 Media Group provides online tools and activities for Girl Scouts. Check with your council for more details.
You play an exciting role in giving your Girl Scouts opportunities to practice the five essential skills as they learn how to think like entrepreneurs. Some of the things you’ll do include:
Not only can Girl Scouts sell individually, both in-person and using the online tools provided, they can also participate in group booth sales during product programs. Girl Scouts will always be able to sell cookies to members of their personal network, regardless of where they live. Your local council may have additional guidance and processes to ensure every booth is in a safe and appropriate location.
As your Girl Scouts grow, your role will evolve from a hands-on one to providing oversight and support where needed. No matter their ages, remember that volunteers and parents/caregivers do not sell the product. Your role is to encourage your troop and let their entrepreneurial spirit soar. Learning by doing is exactly how your Girl Scouts develop the business savvy and communication skills that will empower them to reach any goals they set for themselves.
Another critical task for each troop is to establish a clear accounting system for all proceeds and product during the programs. It's up to you to make sure that money is spent wisely, that excellent records are kept (remember to keep copies of all receipts), and that all product is tracked. For older Girl Scouts, your job is to oversee their work as they learn to keep impeccable records. Be sure to attend product program orientation or training so you are aware of the systems and helpful tools available.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program and the fall product program can be exhilarating and busy times during the troop year, but you’re never alone in your efforts! You can reach out to your service unit product program manager when you’re feeling stuck, or you can build a cookie team to provide the support your troop needs.
Safety is the top priority while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program and other product programs. Volunteers, families, and Girl Scouts should be familiar with and practice the safety guidelines outlined in local program resources as well as those available in the troop leader resources section of girlscouts.org and in Safety Activity Checkpoints.
Report any incidents or accidents to the council within 24 hours along with the Accident/Incident Report Form.
Selling Cookies Online
Before Girl Scouts open their online storefront, they should partner with their troop leader and their families to learn how to safely run their online business.
We know Girl Scouts and their troops are creative, and the Girl Scout Cookie Program provides the perfect opportunity to highlight this creativity. Participants can use vanity URLs to add a creative component to their marketing and learning (e.g. Shana's Cookie Sale or Buy Cookies from Shana). Troops and Girl Scouts cannot use GSUSA's intellectual property (Buy Thin Mints Now or Buy Girl Scout Cookies) as part of a vanity URL.
A few more online safety practices to keep in mind:
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl-led program; a Girl Scout should always lead online marketing and sales efforts, with the supervision of her parent or caregiver.
Girl Scouts engaging in online sales and marketing must review and apply the Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie Entrepreneurs and Their Families.
Girl Scouts, volunteers and caregivers must review and adhere to the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge, the Digital Cookie Pledge, and Girl Scouts’ Safety Activity Checkpoints for Product Programs.
Posting individual or troop sales links to resale sites (Craigslist, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, etc.) is prohibited.
Girl Scouts must adhere to all terms and conditions on the Digital Cookie platform.
Girl Scouts of the USA reserves the right to remove or disable their link for any reason including violation of guidance, inventory fulfillment issues, safety issues, or if sales and marketing activity goes viral and otherwise creates unanticipated disruption.
Additionally, families, Girl Scouts, and volunteers should contact and collaborate with their council and GSUSA in advance of any national news media opportunities tied to their online marketing and sales efforts.
The Buddy System
Remember to incorporate the buddy system at all times when Girl Scouts engage in Product Sales. Girl Scouts should not sell or deliver cookies alone.
Adults should provide supervision and guidance for all program levels, and must accompany Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors when they are selling, taking orders, and delivering products. Adults oversee Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors and must be aware of how, when, and where they are when selling products. In addition, an adult must be readily available to them when they are participating in product programs. This can be accomplished by an adult being present with them or by having an adult and Girl Scouts exchange telephone numbers.
Cookie booths—that is, cookie pop-up shops in areas with lots of foot traffic—are a fun way for Girl Scouts to connect with their community and practice their sales pitch with new customers. Booth locations must be approved by councils, facilitated within council jurisdiction, and participants must follow all council guidelines regarding setting up, running, and taking down a booth. Cookie Booths are only permitted within the jurisdiction of the Girl Scout and troop's primary council.
The majority of council cookie booths are scheduled online through eBudde Booth Scheduler. This allows every troop the opportunity to participate in booth sales. It also allows the public the ability to locate the nearest cookie booth by using the Cookie Locator website or app.
Troop Cookie Managers will be able to view and choose from a list of locations, dates and time slots available for each council-sponsored location.
Service Unit Cookie Managers (along with council staff) secure booth site permission within their area. They provide a list for the council product sales team to upload to the eBudde Booth Scheduler.
There is also a process on the eBudde booth scheduler to input troop non-council sponsored booth locations. A benefit to having this information online is that the eBudde Booth Scheduler works in conjunction with the Cookie Locator.
The Cookie Locator is for customers seeking to purchase Girl Scout Cookies from a booth site. The Cookie Locator is available on the council website as well as the Little Brownie website. Customers can input their zip code and view locations, dates and times of booth sales available within a specific mile radius.
The booth scheduler on eBudde helps to streamline the booth scheduling process throughout our council, reduces confusion and eliminates scheduling conflicts. It is easy to do, is in real time and it only takes minutes. Because the booth scheduler works in conjunction with the Cookie Locator, it is VERY important that when troops sign up for a booth location, they show up for their assigned time. Customers who use the Cookie Locator expect to find cookie booths where advertised.
Create a great cookie booth experience for your Girl Scouts by:
Using your best judgment in setting up cookie booths in locations that will be open, accessible, and safe for all Girl Scouts and potential customers.
Choosing a high traffic area—this could be your local supermarket, mall, or park—where you’ll maximize the number of visitors to your booth.
Checking out your booth site ahead of the sale. Talk to business owners in the area so they’ll know what to expect. Find out what security measures are in place—these may include lights for evening sales and whether a security camera watches the booth area—and where the nearest bathrooms are located.
Encourage your Girl Scouts to unleash their creativity - and work on their advertising skills - to make colorful signs and booth decorations that potential customers can't resist! Remind them to be polite and to have their sales pitch ready for interested customers.
And keep in mind:
Daisies are still learning how to make correct change. Help them handle money as needed, but remember that Girl Scouts make all sales at the booth!
Keep your customers in the loop and update your eBudde if you need to cancel or are unable to attend a cookie booth. If not, customers could be routed to cancelled booths as all scheduled booths are available on GSUSA's Find Cookies Now!
Certain locations may be inappropriate for younger Girl Scouts based on the standards of your local community and may negatively impact the cookie program experience for Girl Scouts, and/or may negatively impact our brand in the community. For additional clarity, girls should not sell in or in front of establishments that they themselves cannot legally patronize.
For more tips to make your booth a success, check out our Cookie Booth Essentials. For additional information about setting up a booth and safety and security suggestions, consult your council guidelines.
Report any accident or incident to the council within 24 hours along with the completed Accident/Incident Report Form.
Cookies also help Girl Scouts make a big impact in their community! The council has an established cookie donation program where customers can purchase cookies that will be donated to the military by the council. Troops may also select a local group or organization to donate cookies through the Gift of Caring program. These cookies are collected and donated by the troop. Cookie donations are not only a great talking point for girls to share with their customers—they’re also a great way for customers to give back to their community, too!
With cookie donations, remember that:
All cookie donation programs must be approved by the council.
Donated cookies must stay within the council jurisdiction unless your council has the approval from other council jurisdictions.
Donated products cannot be resold and must be used in a responsible and ethical way.
Donated products are used in a way that does not undermine the work of councils or jeopardize the integrity of the Girl Scout brand.
Girl Scout Cookies are well loved and for good reason—it has always been the practice of Girl Scout councils and the bakers to guarantee customer satisfaction with their delicious cookies. If a customer is not satisfied with the quality of their cookies for some reason, they can contact the baker via the phone number printed on the side of the cookie package. Troops should notify their council if they are aware of any customer dissatisfaction.
Focusing on entrepreneurial outcomes has always been the emphasis of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The cookie program has never been about and does not focus on individual sales results.
© Copyright 2009–2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All rights reserved. All information and material contained in Girl Scouts’ Volunteer Essentials guide (“Material”) is provided by Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) and is intended to be educational material solely to be used by Girl Scout volunteers and council staff. Reproduction, distribution, compiling, or creating derivative works of any portion of the Material or any use other than noncommercial uses as permitted by copyright law is prohibited, unless explicit, prior authorization by GSUSA in writing was granted. GSUSA reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit, or discontinue the Material at any time without notice.